9/6/13 – F

Time surely flies! It feels as if the week had just started yesterday, but today marks the end of another academic week. Relief.

There really is something about the ends of my waking hours daily, those hours close to bed time, that turns me into almost a new man (temporarily) (mentally). Is it decreased brain power? Fatigue? Tire from academic rigor? Some combination of those and other unknown factors? I am mostly clueless. It’s a sort of cycle, having 2 general trains of thought: one that tries to be cerebral, to be logical, and another that lets emotions and romanticism take the reins. 

And it’s the latter “mode” that has fueled my writing for the past few years. Most of my poetry was written at night, I believe. There just seems to be a sort of mystical air to this time of the day. There’s also always a sense of relief to it. I tend to let go of trying to micromanage myself and trying to choose the most optimal actions for myself at any given time, given my limited time. I worry less, analyze less, and somehow, I enter a different realm of seeing. I begin to “see” abstractions and create symbols for all types of experiences.

People who share this same cycle (I’d like to believe there are a lot of them out there) probably make worse objective decisions for themselves at this time. But by always entering this “phase” of sorts, I am constantly reminded that the “value” of our actions is not measured solely by objective benefits and costs. Sometimes, costs can be offset in another way: by means of self-actualization.

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